Unfortunately, power outages don’t take summer vacations. If anything, it often seems as though they make an appearance at the worst possible moment. Blackouts during heat waves can be inconvenient to most and even dangerous to others.


So why do summer power outages occur? We list a few of the possible causes below.


4 Reasons Why Power Outages Happen in the Summer


Sustained Demand


During a heatwave, the demand for power drastically increases. As the power transformers work overtime to provide energy to those requesting it, it begins to heat up. While this can be expected, they do require time to cool off. Normally, the transformers find time to do this overnight, when less power is being used. 


However, when the temperature is so hot, people will continue to use their air conditioners and fans throughout the night, preventing the transformers from taking a break. This can cause them to overheat and damage the electrical systems.

Man restoring power on circuit breaker after electricity outage

To prevent any or further damage, circuit breakers or other protective equipment will shut off the flow of power. This then creates a power outage.




With heatwaves come summer storms. Lightning strikes and circuit failures may increase the likelihood of a power outage due to the system’s inability to maintain a regular power flow.


Tornados are also born out of extreme heat. Their intense winds are able to knock out power lines, while flying debris creates the risk of damaging the lines and transformers.


Overloaded Lines


Like the transformers, power lines can heat up during times of high demand, as well as expand and sag. This might cause the lines to droop into nearby tree branches, thus causing them to tangle and short circuit. This then shuts off power to that entire power line.




This one may be less expected, but animals are actually a huge cause of power outages. From squirrels and other rodents to birds, animals can compromise the flow of energy by damaging the power lines or crawling inside power boxes.


It’s important to note that whenever power outages occur during the summer, trust that professionals are working to resolve the problem. 


Colz Electric is the master electrician that you can trust. Our team of highly trained Calgary electricians has all the hands-on skills and experience required to handle all types of residential and commercial jobs. With 24-hour service, we are ready to come out to your home or business for Calgary electrical services or urgent after-hours electrical needs. Our professional results, client trust and superb value showcase our commitment to providing our customers with 100% satisfaction. Speak to one of our Calgary electricians at 403-770-3030.

When a home loses power, it may simply be an inconvenience. However, for some, it could result in financial losses.

Buying a generator can provide additional peace of mind when it comes to your home. When a power outage strikes, you can be secure in the knowledge that your house will be able to continue as usual.

Here are a few reasons why buying a generator for your home can benefit you in the long run.


Why Purchasing a Generator For Your Home Is Worth It


Work From Home

Over the past year, it has become more and more common for people to work from home, whether that be out of necessity or preference. Losing power in the middle of a workday may add to the stress of the day or even create the risk of losing clients.

Having a home generator will help ensure that your home business will continue to thrive, even without power. Home generators will keep the internet, lights, and electricity going so that you can too.


Sump Pump

If you live in an area where flooding is an issue, you likely have a sump pump. This pushes away any unwanted water and helps keep your foundation and basement dry.

Installing an whole house emergency generator for hurricane season

Sump pumps do rely on power to operate. Picking up a home generator will relieve you of any stress regarding your basement flooding during a blackout. All you need to do is plug your sump sump into the generator and it will automatically switch over in the event of a power outage. 



If the power is out for only an hour or two, this won’t be a terrible concern. However, if you’re waiting for electrical repairs for several hours or even days, you run the risk of the food in your fridge and freezer going bad. That’s potentially hundreds of dollars into the trash.

A home generator will ensure your fridge and freezer, along with any other appliance you connect to the generator, will continue to function without issue.


Having a home generator is a solid investment for your home if a power outage could negatively impact your life. Don’t hesitate to speak with a professional who can give further information on how a generator can benefit you.


Colz Electric is the master electrician that you can trust. Our team of highly trained Calgary electricians has all the hands-on skills and experience required to handle all types of residential and commercial jobs. With 24-hour service, we are ready to come out to your home or business for Calgary electrical services or urgent after-hours electrical needs. Our professional results, client trust and superb value showcase our commitment to providing our customers with 100% satisfaction. Speak to one of our Calgary electricians at 403-770-3030.

The process of becoming a master of anything is long and difficult, and this is just as true for master electricians. The well-known saying that “it takes 1000 hours to become a master” is popular for a reason. Devoting yourself to a skill or trade is a full-time commitment that should be undertaken with full knowledge of the required dedication and commitment.

For master electricians, the process begins with an apprenticeship. We look at the full process for becoming a master in this trade, for Alberta, down below:

Start to Finish: Becoming a Master Electrician


The electrician apprenticeship program is four years in length and must include a minimum of 1,560 hours of on-the-job training for the first three years. Additionally, there are technical training requirements, which consist of eight weeks of training for the first three years. Each of the four years is divided into a 12-month period, and special rules apply to the final (fourth) period.

These additional rules state that a minimum of 1,440 hours and 12 weeks of training must be completed in the fourth year. Further, individuals may challenge the interprovincial exam during this period and be granted their red seal.

office aircon servicing


You must complete at least three years of work experience as a journeyman electrician before you can obtain a master electrician certification. There may be breaks in your work experience during this time, but only for the last five years. 


After meeting the prerequisite work experience requirements, potential masters can challenge the Master Electrician Exam, which is administered by the Safety Codes Council. To succeed at this exam, applicants must score at least a 75% average and no less than 60% on either part of the exam.

Work with a Master Electrician Today

Whether you are looking for information about the rigours of being a master electrician or looking for the services of one, contact us today. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can answer your questions and provide helpful information. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Colz Electric is the master electrician that you can trust. Our team of highly trained Calgary electricians has all the hands-on skills and experience required to handle all types of residential and commercial jobs. With 24-hour service, we are ready to come out to your home or business for Calgary electrical services or urgent after-hours electrical needs. Our professional results, client trust and superb value showcase our commitment to providing our customers with 100% satisfaction. Speak to one of our Calgary electricians at 403-770-3030.

Electricity is one of the most beneficial innovations we have the luxury to benefit from in the 21st century. However, it also comes with a fair amount of knowledge, and professionals must devote a significant portion of their lives to understanding this remarkably versatile and dangerous resource, including learning about Calgary electrical panel upgrades

Still, for the casual electricity user, this relationship may not exist. For many of us, it is enough to simply flick the switch on and off before calling it a day. But then, how do we improve our electrical systems when it is time to upgrade or install a new piece of equipment? What must we do to ensure there is sufficient electrical power and guards to prevent short circuits? 

How Many Breakers Do You Need in your Calgary Electrical Panel?

The breakers in your home are essentially just a hardwired safety device. The main power generated by the power plant exists on one side of the breaker. On the other side are the electrical circuits, outlet and connected device. Only when the breaker is connected do they receive power and function correctly.

So, when looking for electrical panel upgrades in Calgary, the amperage is not actually terribly relevant. Instead, it is the number of spaces for breakers that you should consider. Why is this? 

All of the information you hear about calculating electrical load for a building is correct and relevant to master electricians, architects and builders. Still, for the consumer, it is often not a relevant consideration. Unless you are planning to add larger load sizes for extra appliances, the amount of small-amp breakers is already predetermined.


Electrical fuse box

One of the main reasons for this is that amperage is not a consistent measure. If your blender is on, but your garburator isn’t, the amperage is less than if both devices were being used simultaneously. Because the load isn’t consistent, you can add more circuits to the system without issue. Just don’t go putting in energy-sucking equipment after the fact.

Start Your Electrical Upgrades Today!

Your electrical upgrade goals can become a reality with our help! Contact us to get information, quotes and advice about all your electrical questions and needs!

Colz Electric is the master electrician that you can trust. Our team of highly trained Calgary electricians has all the hands-on skills and experience required to handle all types of residential and commercial jobs. With 24-hour service, we are ready to come out to your home or business for Calgary electrical services or urgent after-hours electrical needs. Our professional results, client trust and superb value showcase our commitment to providing our customers with 100% satisfaction. Speak to one of our Calgary electricians at 403-770-3030.