
Lets Talk Home Automation. What exactly is it?

What is home automation? And how do we get it?

So we hear a lot about home automation or smart homes. Ok, so what is it? Lets simply it; Smart home or home automation focuses on these key components like lighting, surveillance/security systems, door locks, electrical switches and outlets, smoke/CO2 detectors, appliances, HVAC Systems. These are only a few, as any kind of device or unit that has the ability to connect to a network has the components to operate as a smart device.

How Can we create our Smart Home or Home Automation?

So like we said before, basically, any unit or device that has the ability to connect to any network has the capability to become “smart.” But we still need to control them. There are a few different ways to control your smart home devices; Remote or mobile control, scheduling, or self-learning features.

Remote or mobile control basically means you can control these devices even when you are away from your house. Some devices require an app that needs to be downloaded on your phone, or tablet or computer to control that device. A perfect example of this is a Skybell Doorbell. Here you replace your existing doorbell with the skybell doorbell camera and download the required app, and then create an account on your phone. For example; you get to work and realize you forgot to lock the front door or turn off the living room lights, no problem. Tap a button in an app and you’re set. This type of control can extend to include surveillance systems, which you can arm, disarm, and monitor from anywhere in the world—as long as you have an internet connection.

Let’s talk about how scheduling to control smart devices. This method is the most common when it comes to lighting or thermostats. Basically, scheduling allows us to set certain times or situations in which the device functions. An example would be you can set your Lutron switch to turn on your undercabinet lighting at sundown. Or set your thermostat to away mode when you leave for work. A scheduling unit to control your smart devices is a Google Home or Amazon Alexa. You can even schedule Amazon Alexa slowly dim your lights on in the morning and tell you the weather for that day!

Scheduling is the type of home automation that has been around the longest—which makes sense considering it’s the lowest-tech feature home automation devices use, but it’s still one of the most powerful.

Lastly Self-learning capabilities, this is a step up from scheduling. its almost like the robot feature. Some smart devices have the ability to learn your schedule and what your preferences are. A great example is the eco bee thermostat, it can detect when you are home or if you are away and it will adjust the temperature and HVAC settings according.

Over time, we foresee things improving as home automation/smart homes are becoming extremely common, especially with saving money on your utility bill or to reduce the amount of energy consumption.

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