Conserving Energy

How To Conserve Electricity

Electrical repairs Calgary: How to conserve energy 

Conserving energy has become a high priority for homeowners as energy bills steadily increase, resulting in an overwhelming price you can owe at the end of every month. Using low energy is beneficial for your home and the environment and will help your budget each month. This lifestyle change can seem incredibly overwhelming, requiring money, electrical repairs in Calgary, research, and the proper resources for an impactful implementation. But this shift in lifestyle doesn’t have to be too radical or expensive, and you can begin doing it in small steps. 

Find out what you can do to conserve energy, so you can save money and contribute to creating a more environmentally conscious household. 

Daily adjustments

You can begin to ease your way into a more energy-efficient lifestyle by making small adjustments in your day-to-day life. These adjustments can include shutting off the lights in a room once you have left it, turning off appliances after you discontinue using them, or hanging your clothes to dry on a clothing line in lieu of using a dryer. These steps can eventually culminate in a smaller energy bill, and you can go even further by making sure you are using your heating and cooling systems only when necessary. 

Programmable thermostat 

A programmable can be purchased and easily installed in your home for a generally affordable price and work to reduce the amount of heat you use on a daily basis. You can program this type of thermostat to turn on and off during specific hours when you will leave home and when you are to return. You can also modify programmable thermostats to change depending on week-to-week to accommodate your own schedule. More so, programmable thermostats can have features that will alert you when the air filters on your HVAC system need to be changed or if general problems with the system arise, saving you the trouble of finding out when costly damages have already been inflicted. 

Energy efficient windows

Windows can be a source of energy waste and can inflate the cost of your heating bill each month. If you have a single-pane, an upgrade to a double-pane will do wonders to keep the heat within your heat, where it so easily escapes with a single-pane. A window upgrade can be especially imperative if you reside in a colder climate, where storm and double-pane windows will effectively work to retain the heat inside your home and will reduce how much heat you’ll use per month. 


Insulation is often conducive to keeping your energy bill low and contributes to heat and cold air retention in your home, much like double-pane and storm windows. Areas within the home where insulation is best installed include the basement, attic, crawlspace, and walls. Insulation will allow you to use your heating and cooling systems less, substantially lowering your energy bills and usage. 

Upgrading HVAC system 

A typical HVAC system consists of heating, cooling, and ventilation, and when this vital home system is working correctly, it can raise the energy you use and your monthly bills. Some homeowners might not be aware that the inner workings of an HVAC system aren’t working until something explicitly stops working. To prevent damages to your system that will have you using more energy than you’ve intended, you should upgrade your HVAC system every few years to avoid complete electrical repairs in Calgary. 

Colz Electric is the master electrician that you can trust. Our team of highly trained Calgary electricians has all the hands-on skills and experience required to handle all types of residential and commercial jobs. With 24-hour service, we are ready to come out to your home, or business for Calgary electrical services, or urgent after-hours electrical needs. Our professional results, as well as trust and value, is how we can provide our customers with 100% satisfaction. Speak to one of our Calgary electricians at 403-770-3030.

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